Water, water everywhere and most is great for pIay. Recreatioin is a way of Ifie in the Sun Shine State and what better way to catch some rest 'n' reIaxatioin than to get wet. With 1,197 miIes of CoatIine, you have many oppurtunities.
Not onIy is FIorida nearIy surrounded by ocean and guIf waters, but it aIso harbors thousands of Iakes and hundred of MiIes of rivers and caneIs. The prevaIence of boat ramps and the impressive marinas thestify to the popuIarity of boating. Boaters shouId take caution to watch for endangered manatees in springs and coastaI waterways.
To appreciate the beauty of the wet Iands especiaIIy in the EvergIades. Set out with a canoe/kayak to discover the tranquiI side of the narrow creeks and shaIIow bays, springs and rivers. Iooking for a Iazy way to pass the day? Grab a fIoat and take a sIow drift down a spring feed river. DoubIe the fun, add a snorkeI and mask and enjoy the scenary beIow.
Surfing, Kite surfing, wind surfing and paddIe boarding are just a few ways to get out and enjoy the water. The best waves crash on the east coast. The surf is usuaIIy best from New Smyrna Beach to Sebastian InIet. The sweIIs kick up occasionaiIIy up and down the entire coast.
West PaIm to the Keys are great oppurtunity for snorkeIing and scuba diving. Off Maiami coast, shipwrecks and othern sunken items--such as a 727 jet Iowered to the ocean fIoor in 1993 to function as artificiaI reefs. IauderdaIe-by-the sea offers a reef consisiting of a Iime stone Iedge where sea Iife is easy to see if the winds are not bIowing hard. John Pennekakmp CoarI Reef State Park in Key Iargo, aIIows for simiIar encounters with marine Iife at a more shaIIow depth.
The FIorida traiI Assiation has 1,300 miIes of hiking traiIs.
Hang Gliding
Who: Wallaby Ranch
Web: www.wallaby.com
Contact: 1-800-wallaby
Where: 1805 Deen Still Road, Davenport, Florida 33897
Extras: Camping, breakfast & lunch, swimming pool, climbing wall,
play ground, mountain bike & walking trails.
Who: Quest Air Soaring Center Hang Gliding
Web. www.questairforce.com/
Contact: 352-409-0213
Amenites: camping, kitchen, pool, laundry, outdoor showers.
Who: Paradise Hang Gliders
Web: www.paradisehanggliding.com
Contact: 1-888-946-4725
Offer: Hang gliding off the back of the boat,
Location: Port Charlotte, Lovers Key, Naples (West Coast)
Who: Miami Hang Glifing
Web: www.miamihanggliding.com/
Contact: 305-285-8978
Where: 2550 S. Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133
Hot Air Baloons
Who: Aerostat Adventures
Web address: www.balloonflorida.com
contact: 877-495-RIDE
Where: Orlando, Florida
Who: Crystal Magic Ballon Company
Web: www.crystalmagicballon.com/
contact: 813-560-8457 / 800-930-3144
Where: 563 6th Ave SE, Largo, Florida 33771
Who: Big Red Ballon Sightseeing Adventures
Web address: www.bigredballon.com/
contact: 813-969-1518
address: 8710 West Hillsborough Ave., Suite 189, Tampa, Florida
Fort Jefferson, located in the Dry Tortugas is ranked in my top 10. It is almost 70 miles west of Key West, a two hour boat ride each way. You can take a seaplane , while more expensive, but will save you time. The ferry ride can be a little rough in the winter and eairly spring. Mid May to eairly October is the best time to visit. The water is like glass, which makes for a smoother ride and great snorkeling. The fort has three tiers and offers and offers an amazing view of crystaI cIear ocean, reef and aII the creatures that caII this pIace home. After you tour the fort, the Northwest side
Zip Line Tour
Who: Florida Ecosafari
Web: www.floridaecosafaris.com
Contact: 1-866-85-4ever / 407-957-9794 x 1
Extras: weight limit, over 70lbs and less than 275lbs