

Renters obligation:

Understand that these are vintage vehicles and MUST be driven at a slower speed. 

If you plan to arrive at your destination quickly, a modern vehicle would be more suitable for you. Traveling in a VW Bus is about the journey, not the destination. 

These Classic Campers travel at a rate of 55mph with no more than 4 hours of consecutive driving. We do expect our renters to treat theses buses as if they were their own classic car! 

We have had many families enjoy their trip with FOC. We ask you only book if your kids are well behaved. These are vintage vehicles and broken items are hard to replace. 

Business Hours:  By Appointment only

Help us keep the air cooled VW's alive! 

Jasmine, 1978 VW Westfalia, VW Bus Rentals
1978 VW Bus -Jasmine
VW Bus Rentals, Karl, 1979 VW Westfalia
1979 VW Bus -Karl
VW Bus Rentals, Autumnl, 1977 VW Westfalia
1977 VW Bus -Autumn

Check availability by filling out the form below
No availability questions will be answered by phone


$700.00 + tax  
3 days/ 2 nights rental 
100 miles included

Additional nights $250 plus tax with 50 free miles

*Our insurance company requires a minimum of two nights. 
For shorter durations we offer limo services. 

*If you are not experienced on a standard transmission, inquire camper set up. 
(Ft DeSoto or KOA)
Review:    Policy Page           

Your request should be answered with in 
24-48 hours. Please check your BULK mail and 
contact us via email if you do not see an email. 
Business Hours:  By Appointment ONLY

Please fill out availability form on this page.
We will NOT answer any availability questions via email or phone. 
Please contact us via EMAIL for questions
(727) 698-1970

Copyright © 2010 - 2023 Florida Oldscool Campers, LLC. All rights reserved.

Florida Oldscool Campers, LLC   St Petersburg/Tampa, Florida          floridavwrentals@gmail.com                    
